
Override mandatory registration! Make our gastronomy free again without data collecting!

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Petitie is gericht aan
Committee for Petitions and Citizens' Initiatives
473 Ondersteunend 469 in Oostenrijk

De petitie werd geweigerd

473 Ondersteunend 469 in Oostenrijk

De petitie werd geweigerd

  1. Begonnen 2021
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. ingediend op 31-08-2021
  4. Dialoog
  5. Beëindigd

10-07-2021 10:43

Dear Viennese, dear supporters from Austria!
In principle, I write this mail only on the occasion of Vienna but I can
but I can't send it only to one federal state, so forgive me if it bothers you.
Thank you for your patience!

Shortly to the Austria-wide petition that was now brought in by openPetition, even if not quite 500 signatures came about.
I am curious how it will go on for Austria.

Now to the new topic:
This time it is only about Vienna-related.
All those who are not at home in Vienna can ignore this e-mail, unless you want to recommend the action to Viennese friends and so on ;) or are curious.

Apparently our previous petition and the resistance against the registration obligation did not make enough impression in Vienna.
There are also people who believe that the new regulation (testing from the age of 6) as well as the continuation of the
registration obligation are connected with the PCR-tests, whereas
I exclude that at least in the case of the government obligation because
Tested, vaccinated, recovered must still be in all states.
I have started a new petition only for Vienna, which is directed for the abrogation of the registration obligation in Vienna by the city of Vienna.
This is again on openpetition because the experience was good.

Here is the petition for Vienna:

Unfortunately, one did not want to believe me at first, although besides Zib
and Fellner Live also the Kurier and many other media reported about it.
So I had to add more sources so that the petition can be started.

Possible would also have been on the website of the city of Vienna to bring a petition but only with citizen card or would have had to express a form and then send by letter including proof of identity (madness there is the possibility of a parliamentary citizens' initiative even slightly less complex.), that I think would not have been in your sense.
For those who do not want to believe that this is so the links:

What is new about the Vienna petition?
This time it is about the whole
Registration obligation I mean why register in the open-air swimming pool? I understand
almost even less than the Gastro in the open air. Besides, the new infection figures do not show that.
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Balkans) is the only country in Europe without contact tracing.
Do we hear about many infected people there?
At least I don't.

There is a lot going on!

So dear Viennese please support the following petition if you are not icing anyway in summer or say you stay at home.
Of course, you can go to the other 8 provinces but that is not possible for everyone
and certainly not useful in the long term.
Vorallem in the regard that many of us were certainly also regulars in some pubs for usually.
So we try to make the best of the situation.
That the summer will not be normal I think we all knew, but hmm that what is going on now you can not ignore.
It is also about how it will be next year.

By the way, I was thinking we could if who of you
YouTube videos make a contest.
For example everybody who is interested in making a video with reasons
against a Viennese registration obligation and which for example gets the most likes
which gets the most likes, we put it on the petition page, so that everybody who
can see it until July 2022.

With kind regards

Benjamin Heinrich Pachner

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