Region: Belgium
Image of the petition Uitstel MT+1 jaar maatregel huisvesting UGent

Uitstel MT+1 jaar maatregel huisvesting UGent

Petition is directed to
Universiteit Gent
68 supporters

Collection finished

68 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched February 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision
Here you can see all verified signatures confirmed by users.


Here you can see the number of signatures made by users from Belgium .
From Belgium
Here you can see the signatures of supporters who wish to remain anonymous. The openPetition editorial team has the personal data - the signatures have been verified.

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Here you can see the number of signatures from supporters who signed manually (analog). Your personal data is available to the openPetition editorial team and has been verified.

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Eva Goderis
Libeer Alexander
Evelien Verellen
Nienke Meerts
Luka Coppens
Not public
Uyttendaele Mauro
Marjolein Duwyn
Not public
Michiel Demeyere
Not public
Not public
Not public
Joyce Goethals
Nicolaas Volkaert
Helena Cardon
Eva Pyfferoen
Oliwia Malinowska
Joran maes
Mats Höhn
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Ilias Vynckier
Lien Polspoel
Wout Delahaye
Gilles Goossens
Jana Van Bunder
Joppe Raymaekers
Angie Velghe
Not public
Not public
Not public
Axl Hanssen
Gilles Verhelst
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Ilias karmaoui
Matthias verellen
Robbe Develter
Not public
Not public
Kaat Wyseur
Tymoteusz Jan Blaszczyk
Matisse Bostyn
Not public
Not public
Not public
Jona Van Hessche
Not public
Not public
Rayna Hoet
Laura Cael
Amber Govaerts
Not public
Karel Vansteenhuyse
Degoe Jolan
Kyano Monteny
Robbe Clauwaert
Not public
Not public
Vital De Geldere
Not public

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