Region: Ghent

Weet Wat Je Eet Gent

Petition is directed to
burgemeester van Gent Mathias De Clercq
33 supporters

Collection finished

33 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched March 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision
Here you can see all verified signatures confirmed by users.


Here you can see the number of signatures made by users from Ghent .
From Ghent
Here you can see the signatures of supporters who wish to remain anonymous. The openPetition editorial team has the personal data - the signatures have been verified.

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Here you can see the number of signatures from supporters who signed manually (analog). Your personal data is available to the openPetition editorial team and has been verified.

On paper

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Anneke Vermorgen
Not public
Cisse Geleyn
Jasper Kuiper
Not public
Not public
Isabelle Selleslag
Tine De Greef
Milan Morisse
Seppe Decubber
Maïté Liekens
Helen De Weser
Marije Jennes
Lise Vermeersch
Will A. M.
Not public
Alexandra Garcia
Rut De Pourcq
Not public
Leila Saidi
Matthias De Meulenaer
Christine Vande Velde
Diego Lamonte
Simen Vertommen
Melanie Hernalsteen
Marika Cankov
Demuylder Patrick
Ben Baert
Ben Dupont
Jeroen Kessels
jade Godderis
Robert Bogle
Laura Garcia Ocampo

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