Regio: Cyprus
Buitenlands beleid


Indiener niet openbaar
Petitie is gericht aan
The Government of the Republic of Cyprus
10.361 Ondersteunend

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

10.361 Ondersteunend

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

  1. Begonnen 2022
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Mislukt

26-02-2022 11:54

The Government of Cyprus has announces that they will not block the decision to disconnect Russia from SWIFT. However, the ultimate goal of this petition is to urge the international community to take all necessary actions to stop war in Ukraine.

New title: ΨήφισμαΟΧΙ απαγόρευσηςΣΤΟΝ τηςΠΟΛΕΜΟ ΡωσίαςΣΤΗΝ από το SWIFTΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ
Signatures at the time of the change: 8.444

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