Region: Frankrike

The very important increase at Pasteur

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Institut Pasteur
879 Støttende

Innsamling ferdig

879 Støttende

Innsamling ferdig

  1. Startet oktober 2023
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Forbered innlevering
  4. Dialog med mottaker
  5. Beslutning

On October 3, 2023, the STRP-CGT convened a general meeting of Institut Pasteur employees of all categories to discuss inflation and our loss of purchasing power.
In particular, we note 15% inflation on food goods (source: INSEE).
For these reasons, we are asking for a general salary increase of 80 points, for all Pasteur staff (CDD, CDI, post-docs, PhD students...).

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This increase will cover both 2023 inflation and the shortfall in 2022 increases.
The assembly invites all employees to sign the petition and present it on October 20 at 9:15 a.m., on the CIS forecourt, for the first meeting of the mandatory annual negotiations.

Takk for støtten, STRP-CGT ut av Paris
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