Region: France
Civil rights

The life-long house arrest imposed on Kamel and his family must be lifted.

Petition is directed to
"Minister of Justice, Ministry of the Interior
567 supporters

Collection finished

567 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched October 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision
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Here you can see the number of signatures made by users from France .
From France
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Deleu Dominique
Syd Sleeper
Not public
Not public
Michael M Merchant
Jean-Marc Champeau
Fouchier Florence
Not public
Not public
Saby Muriel
H daddou Souad
Grégoire Voisin
Viens Jean-Michel
Gasparoux Sylvie
Not public
Samuel Chailleux
Not public
Not public
Serge Labatut
Pascal Revelard
Dylan Lintern-Mole
Fabrice BARBEY
Not public
Nicolas Guyot
Marc tertre
Georges sandra

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