Region: Greece
Animal rights

Say YES to Castration of Strays on Chios

Petition is directed to
Mr. G. Christakis, deputy mayor
183 supporters

The petition is accepted.

183 supporters

The petition is accepted.

  1. Launched February 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!

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From Greece
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Cemaine meijer
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Suzan ter Beek
Olga K P
Veni Arakelian
Albert Van der Giessen
Céline Houben
Nienke croese
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Myriam van de lagemaat
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Jacoline Siemonsma
Gary Bizzo
Johan van knotsenburg
Carola van den Brink
Linda Vaarwerk
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Irene van der Horst
Valentin Trelcat
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Not public
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Margaux Le Cardinal
Schamber--Oudard Océane
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A.j. Dieleman
Irma krul
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Guyau jean marc
Jan Leenaars
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Marceline Bresson
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Louiza Skordialou
Diane Mourgues
Georgios Christakis
Ton Verlinden
Graf Gilbert
A Water
Daniëlle Epskamp
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Anja Biezeman
Esther Maas
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Marion van de Zande
Merel Geernaert
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Pippi Scheiberlich
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Janine van Alphen
Raucourt Lua
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J Lemmers
Alejandra Rilo
Johannes Alois Bernard
Lidia Kalsbeek
Wayne Dellimore
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Maarten Bon
Samantha Grunewald
Gerard Visser
Ioannis Polychronopoulos
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Danièle Wolf
Jessica smeding
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Στέλλα Παπασταμάτη
Ammarie Visser
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Melanie van der Velde
Vahit Paşa
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Στέλλα Κόβα
Chelsey Olievier
Bente de Vries
Antoinet Tuhuleruw
Rob Oudshoorn
Bart Kreulen
Monique van helleman
Joanne Thorley
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Pepermans Kate
Rilana van den Berg
Philipp Willfort
Georgina Heilig
Μαρκος Φορος
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Sander Vagenende
Μαρια Ρεντιφη
Brigitte pommee
Marco Xenakis
Philippe Ressing
Kirsten van der Veen
Toos Le Blanc
Μπουσε Ευτερπη
Elsenoor Mos
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Remko van Russen Groen
Jill Kexagia
Viviane Loschetter
Tatschl Adalbert
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Ruud Kolsteeg
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Walter Kopf
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Rony Vagenende
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Stevens Derk
Angeliki Geomelou
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Elisabeth Cornelia Zeeman
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Bjørn van Damme
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Μαρια Χατηρα
José van Unen
Sabine Arnold
Jaap Rol
Karina Musch
Aleksandra Andjelic
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Bianca Vermast
Panagiotis Katsikadelis
Milene Stam
Anne Van Coillie
Lilian Warmenhoven
Ingmar van der Burg
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Isabo bilsen
Ron Tersmette
Matty Lupker
Nathalie Lamon
Nour Oldenburger
Kim Schuhmacher
Joyce den Otter
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Marina Papastamati
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Παπασταμάτης Νικόλαος
Dominique Vanovermeire
Fragkiadou Vasileia
Isa Xenakis
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Kovacs Judith
Labonne Agathe
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Not public
Aurélien Hurson
Erika Impens
Elvira Meinesz
Αρετη Καρρα
Maria maurelou
Antonios Zymnis
Konstantinos Zymnis
Ελένη Φ.
Nikolaos Papadimos
Victor Lans
Not public
Bier Wilma
Sabina Jousma
Koutsika Theofano
Yanni Leenaars
Not public
Brendon Grunewald
Dagmar van Damme
Chantal Scheiberlich

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