Regione: Croazia

Apel HZZO-u da uvrsti lijekove za spašavanje života teško oboljelih od cistične fibroze na A listu

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HZZO, Ministarstvo zdravstva RH, Vlada RH
34.272 Supporto

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34.272 Supporto

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  1. Iniziato 2021
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

My girlfriend suffers from CF, and I know first hand how hard it's to live with it. She spends more time on keeping up than most people spend at a job, this is her job, surviving. We take life for granted, we take breathing for granted, we take joy for granted, people affected by CF don't have that luxury. When we are sick we simply wait out a few days or go to a doctor for some meds, they don't get that luxury. They live on anti biotics, they borderline poison their bodies so it doesn't kill them. CF isn't visible on the outside, and it's rare, so people ignore it and don't acknowledge it's existence or it's battles. Advancements have been made, but extremely slowly, yet very effectively.
Every few years something comes out that makes CF patients feel more normal, more human. Now one of the biggest breakthroughs has happened and it makes life so much easier, so much more manageable. Kaftrio is a life saver.

Zasto🤔zalosno je sto zivimo u vremenu u kejem je hrpa stvari koje su bezvrijedne, u prvom planu, a djeca nam se na ovakav nacin bore za zivot. Imam troje djece i hvala Bogu zdravi su.ali me zabole srce i dusa kada ovako nesto pročitam. Srecice drage, borite se i dalje. To je nszalost jedini nacin.😘😘😘💪💪💪

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