Область: Ирландия

Disability Discrimination in Ireland

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Петиция адресована к
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
1 661 Поддерживающий

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1 661 Поддерживающий

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  1. Начат 2020
  2. Сбор закончен
  3. Отправлено
  4. Диалог
  5. Неудача

Discrimination of any sort is unacceptable. A hidden disability is just as valid as a visible one. The discrimination taking place around Ireland under the guise of public health is disgraceful and needs to be addressed and rectified without delay.

This year has been detrimental to us all, we’ve been manipulated and lied to, our rights have deteriorated, there has been no public debate about the virus, fear mongering has kept going on for a year now. People are continuously discriminated, our opinions and thoughts are not being heard.

Nobody should be obliged to wear a 'mask' for many reasons.

First, masks have never been proven to help fighting viruses or bacteria, quite the contrary. Most studies show clearly masks are ueseless.
2/ Wearing masks imapir your health, you breath your own co2 instead of exhaling it. You breath your own microbes and diseases if any. It creates hypoxia.
3/ Masks are specially harmful to teens and children who need all the oxygen to develop their brain during growth. Kids are the least likely to get really sick for any disease as their immune systems are the strongest. Forcing mask on kids iS crime against humanity.
4/ The real purposes of forced masking are: submission, anihilition of indviduality, isolation of idnividuals, perpetuating the fear for a disease not worst than the flu, separating communities in order to better control the masses they have become. The mask is a submssion tool, nothing else.
5/ If everything they say about masks, lockdowns and other totalitarian abuses were true, then they wouldn't need to enforce it with fines, jail and police, people would do it naturally because they would know it is good for them. The fact that they use menace and repression shows that masks and the rest are just totalitarian tools of control.

Every man and woman has a right to feel respected, protected and safe whilst moving through society. Disabled people should not be excluded in this either and when they are its blatant discrimination towards a minority of people. How can you protect one person while discriminating against another? In fact, why are we allowing this outrageous behaviour? Where is Ireland going if we do not look after each other? I have witnessed this systematic bullying and its not ok. What is even more staggering is those that stand by and allow this, they are no better

I've been asked for a mask a few times. Being deaf means I need to be able to see other faces, some people refuse to move their mask down, making communion difficult. I've faced barriers in the past and am now facing them again, we're going backwards.

I have had major bullying because of trying to avoid wearing a mask, or leave my nose out for oxygen. I suffer from mental health problems and a rate blood vessel disorder. The mask sends me into a panic then I can't breath as usual.i sweat profusely shake and can't function properly.

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