Region: Irlandia
Praw obywatelskich

IRBOA: Oppose Waterways Ireland proposed draft Bye-Laws 2024, Dont Empty our Canals!

Petycja jest adresowana do
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O'Brien Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform Paschal Donohoe Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and HeritageMalcolm Noonan

Zbiórka zakończona


Zbiórka zakończona

  1. Rozpoczęty września 2023
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog z odbiorcą
  5. Decyzja

My son & his fiancee bought & own, a barge, 5 years ago. They did this due to the crippling cost of a deposit, let alone cost of housing. Having bought their barge, they have found the the boating community to be far superior to any housing neighborhood.

Boats and the live aboard boating community are a beautiful and important contribution to Ireland's waterways. They enliven villages and are a great tourist attraction. These boats are homes, and the people who live there are not rich hobby boaters. They contribute to the local community and if the new bylaws were to be put in place it would result in homelessness for a lot of them.

1. Waterways Ireland (WI) have not provided any plan, commitment or timeline for how the increase in fees will be used. As a non-Gov body they must be accountable and transparent. Any increase in fees should go directly back into facilities for boaters and for recreational users of the canal. It is not good enough to say that the money will be spent, but not have a plan for it. WI have not demonstrated reliability, confidence or joined up planning. EG they have recently been developing the "Greenway" cycle route along the grand canal. This has been a valuable operation, but they didn't consider the relationship/ interdependence with other canal way users - this could have been an ideal time to install drinking water facilities at intervals along the canal, for both cyclists, walkers and boaters - as is found commonly in Europe. How can we have any confidence in them to spend money wisely if they won't be transparent and present a committed, well thought through plan? 2. The fees in Scotland/ the UK, as used as a comparison in the study, are prohibitive to boaters being able to afford to be on the water - why would we copy a system that doesn't serve the people, when the canals are for the people? There are other systems in operation that run better - the study should compare other EU countries as well for more balanced findings and recommendations. A new study should be undertaken before recommendations are made and proposals put forward. 3. The presence of boats on the canal make it safer for public walkers, reduce anti social behaviour and are an attractive sight. This is widely demonstrated in Sallins and the business community there are opposed to the changes to the bylaws, expressing that people come to Sallins to see the boats and this would change if boaters are pushed out. The sharp increase in fees will lose this and the canals will be abandoned and unsafe. We should be finding ways to encourage more boats onto the canals and rivers in more areas around the country, particularly in Dublin where there is a lot of anti social behaviour. And we should have adequate systems in place to support boats to be there such a drinking water, septic tank disposal, rubbish units etc. (currently this is only the case in Sallins, Shannon & grand canal dock) . If a plan was presented to this reflect, an increase in fees could be justified 4.we are in a housing crisis, why would we adopt a new system that will be prohibitive to people accessing housing solutions?


I am 34 I was always on boats with dad as we had a freeman 22 family all had small few back then. I live in a house most boaters who live on water keep to them selves being quite and kind people. I use to think they look out for ours if any messers about were ever on the canals or river most people live on canals. As for boats near Dublin living yes hit them there cause to many people can put a boat in there and work get train bus to easy. As for north side royal canal I wish to go along there on a boat but doesn't look well be nice if that was sorted. Canal and water imported to me cause it what I do as I own my cruiser and I have for my children. I don't live on boat do just a weekend hobby I love.

I do not want the proposed amendments to both the Shannon byelaws and Canals & Barrow byelaws for the following reasons.

Proposed permit fees far too high.

Navigations too restricted. Open the Dublin line. There is no congestion.

Infrastructure too poor. Need more pump outs and water taps.

Proposed Waterways ranger patrol powers requested unnecessary.

These amendments will result in the displacement and break up of canal liveaboard communities. Causing homelessness.

No intermediary set up to appeal the proposed on spot fine system.

No to any new byelaws until the public body Waterways Ireland have an overseeing board.

It is important because the conventional idea that having a home has to consist of “4 walls” as the only way to be genuinely accepted in Irish Society is upsetting. As a successful professional who has rented for 25 years and will never be in a position to own her own property, I am fully aware of the pressure of “alternative living”. Barge living is a beautiful healthy and first and foremost personal choice of dwelling. It is also extremely sustainable and environmentally friendly, “4 walls” don’t become a home until it is inhabited. I walk down the Grand canal every day, and every day i take a new photo, the canal is only alive because of the nature and people who inhabit it, Thank you for this petition.


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