Region: Irland

Make Dance Schools Essential For Mental Health In Ireland

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Leo Varadkar
620 Støttende

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620 Støttende

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  1. Startede 2020
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I’m a 6th year student under exam stress, covid stress and family stress. My anxiety is unbearable without my weekly dance classes. 45 mins 3 times a week of classes takes so much stress and anxiety away. It allows you to forget about everything and express your feelings in such an amazing way. I mix with over 900 people daily in school so why can’t I see 20 people for a dance class!!! Dance is more than just exercise

den 28-10-2020

Children and everyone needs these outlets for their mental health. I feel gyms dance classes & studios are being punished & its not fair. To me this second lockdown is not like the first there are way more things open and its not fair that these types of outlets are being punished. They've spent so much on putting in provisions so they could open safely to only be closed again its beyond ridiculous

My daughter has been in performing arts since she was 3 years old. She is now 9 and trained 5 days a week before the pandemic, she does not want to partake in the zoom classes as the energy is not the same and she can’t see the steps. She is losing motivation and spending more time playing games on line than physical activities. We try and restrict these but it’s hard when she is already missing out on so much. I understand the situation we are in but believe if we can open schools we can open PA schools safely to ensure that my daughter continues to grow with fabulous mental health. She is struggling and her confidence is taking a dip. The arts is so important to so many people, it’s what brings joy into our lives ..I live to see her sing and dance and this is becoming less and less and to me goes on..she’s important to me and she’s important to the industry’s future. 💔💃🕺

I feel that if gyms can be open then dance schools should be able to open and take a small classes from 4 to 10 people with PPE in place and tempures checked on arrival and even be able to do 1-1 lessons also with PPE.... To me Dancing is a sport its a psychical exercise so i dont see why it cant go ahead dancing is so important for mental health also as with Dance u can express how you are feeling and you are exercising with out even knowing it so that is why Dance is Important and Not Just Gyms! PLEASE KEEP DANCE SCHOOLS OPEN! #LetUsDance🙏🏻

The dance studio is my happy place. It’s the only place where I can just forget whatever is going on in my life. Dancing has become a really big part of my life. I miss everyone in the studio. I felt more safe in Backstreet Dance Studio when we got to go back for a week than in school.

I am a dancer and not being in the studio is affecting me physically and mentally dancing is somewhere I can go when I’m upset and it will always make me happy even if I’m worst mood ever zoom classes just aren’t the same we need dance studios to open back up

Without dance I don’t get to see my friends and have fun and do what I love doing the most. It keeps me fit and I know without dance classes happening it is affecting a lot of peoples mental health because it’s a happy place to go and escape your problems.

Dancing is a big part of children’s lives and is an outlet and an escape from the pressures and stresses of life. Dance schools should be allowed to operate while adhering to social distancing rules. Without dancing many kids are experiencing stress and anxiety.

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