
N52 Funding - Link Road Tullamore to Kilbeggan

Petitsioon on adresseeritud
216 Toetav
43% saavutatud 500 kogumiseesmärgi jaoks
216 Toetav
43% saavutatud 500 kogumiseesmärgi jaoks
  1. Algatatud detsember 2023
  2. Kogumine 8 päeva
  3. Esitamine
  4. Dialoog adressaadiga
  5. Otsus

Nõustun, et minu andmed salvestatakse . Mina otsustan, kes näeb minu toetust. Võin selle nõusoleku igal ajal tagasi võtta .


Live on the main road and getting out from our avenue to cross the road to Kilbeggan is lethal. You could easily it for 15 mins some days.
Not to mention the number of people whoa have been killed on that road, including my own brother! It's a death trap.

The road is dangerous and the road isn't designed to take the volume of traffic on it. The new road has been included in the last 2 NDPs and its construction is important for the economic development of the region and for the safety of our community. It is very important for the local area that this project progresses through the various statutory phases of the project. Lack of investment at this design stage runs the risk that the project will be stalled again, and previous public funding will be wasted. The need and business case for this road has been well established by all the experts Its time the political decision makers take action and funding is allocated, as was promised.

As a regular user of the Tullamore to Kilbeggan road, and the High Road I want to add my safety concerns. As the traffic volumes are so high on the N52 it is dangerous accessing it in the direction of Kilbeggan from the High Road.

Aidake tugevdada kodanikuosalust. Tahame teha Teie mured kuuldavaks, jäädes samas iseseisvaks.

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