Region: Italy

Dimissioni del Ministro Pichetto Fratin e del Ministro Lollobrigida

Petition is directed to
Presidente della Repubblica Italiana
438 supporters

Collection finished

438 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched September 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision
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From Italy
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39 Results

Irene Bartoli
Greta Bazzani
LUCIA Lidia Maria
Cristiana Fornari
Serpico Caterina
Fontana Giulia
Lorelay Trouvè
Andreola Baroncini del Vivo
Mario Niccolai
Clifford Denise
Nazario Cugnigni
Nicoletta Baistrocchi
Sandra Carresi
Not public
Elisabetta Paoletti Perini
Barbara Scardigli
Mihaela Tarcau
Paola Nesti
Valentina Serandrei
Francesca agostini
Not public
Riccardo Sabbatini
Francesca Fatucchi
Daniela Tarricone
Marcello Bianchi cossu
Laura Bigi
Daniela Gazzini
Simonetta Carbonai
Lucia Ringressi
Alessio Nanni Nanni
Lucia Agostini
Maria Paola cappellini
Deborah Ricci
Not public
Not public
Annalisa Santini
Not public
Marta Umbriano
Maila Nardi

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