Zaščita manjšine

Make the University of Amsterdam a Safe Place for Non-Binary People

Peticija je naslovljena na
UvA students and staff
574 podpornik

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

574 podpornik

Pobudnik pobude ni oddal/izročil.

  1. Začelo januar 2023
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Neuspešen

I think that people in positions of such importance as that of a teacher should understand that all walks of life are different and to be respected. If they do not, as is the case here, I believe they should be made aware of this fact forcefully.

Pomagajte okrepiti sodelovanje državljanov. Želimo, da bi bili vaši pomisleki slišani in hkrati ostali neodvisni.

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