Reģions: Zviedrija
Petīcijas Stop Åkessons attempt to prohibit the free practice of religion in Sweden attēls

Stop Åkessons attempt to prohibit the free practice of religion in Sweden

Petīcija ir adresēta
Sveriges riksdag
48 Atbalstošs
96% sasniedza 50 kolekcijas mērķim
48 Atbalstošs
96% sasniedza 50 kolekcijas mērķim
  1. Sākās 2024.4.4
  2. Kolekcija vēl nav > 6 nedēļas
  3. Iesniegšana
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Es piekrītu, ka mani dati tiks saglabāti . Es izlemju, kurš var redzēt manu atbalstu. Es jebkurā laikā varu atsaukt šo piekrišanu .


Jimmie Åkesson has for long made statements against Muslims in Sweden. Last year he made a statement regarding mosques in Sweden. He believes that mosques should be demolished and that the building of new mosques should be stopped. it is important that this does not happen as it goes against the Swedish right of religion and freedom of religion.


it is important that action is taken as not only the implementation of Åkessons statement is damaging however, the statement in itself is harmful. Statements like these can lead to other extremist views and action, similar to Christchurch in New Zeeland.

Åkessons denial of Islam as a religion and referring to it as and ideology diminishes the importance of religion. Furthermore, he wants symbols such as crescents and minarets to be banned in Swedish society. However, there is no legal ground to remove symbols because if their religious connections. To diminish or limit a specific religion is against the Swedish constitution as well as the European Convention, according to Victoria Enkvist, lecturer in constitutional law at Uppsala University.

Removing mosques will not lead to more peace and harmony but further segregation and polarisation in the Swedish society.

Paldies par atbalstu , Anisa Soukni no Malmö
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