Civil rights

Requesting U.S. Senate to vote on & approve H.R. 1280 - George Floyd Justice In Policing Act of 2021

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1 supporter
20% achieved 5 for collection target
1 supporter
20% achieved 5 for collection target
  1. Launched 11/03/2024
  2. Time remaining 5 days
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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In the wake of the many deaths of unarmed African Americans who have been victimized by law enforcement officials during what should have been routine traffic stops, warrants served or interactions while incarcerated, or worse yet while interacting with fellow citizens who have taken it upon themselves to act as pseudo conduits of enforcement. The scenarios are always the same and, in the end, the victim pays the ultimate price for simply being, at home, the diver of a vehicle, in his or her cell, or walking or jogging in their own neighborhood "while black." Being black and the misconceptions, assumption and or inferences that go along with that line of thinking has been nothing short of a new breed of domestic terrorism.


The time has come for very serious change! Today! not sometime in the future but...NOW! The purpose of this petition is to awaken if not to shame the Senate into voting on and approving H. R. -1280-The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Black People have been patient long enough. African Americans have suffered too long and too hard to suffer through any more loss! We need protection, not in the reactionary manner that we've been given so often. We need to move from reactionary to prevention. A clear message needs to be sent to all law enforcement officials and agencies that their "bad apple behavior will no longer be tolerated and that offenders will be held to the highest standards possible. That change the African American community so disparately needs is a vote and an approval away and is contained in H.R. 1280- The George Floyd Justice in policing Act of 2021. H. R. Was originally proposed in 2021. It passed the house and was delivered to the Senate on 3.9.2024. We, the petitioners are asking the Senate to take immediate action on the matter! Approve it so it can be made a law.

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