Region: Zypern

Objection to the creation of teen protection structures in Germasogeia, Limassol

Petition richtet sich an
Mayor and City Council of Germasogeia
1.199 Unterstützende

Sammlung beendet

1.199 Unterstützende

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet Oktober 2023
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

Does this even require an explanation ! I lived next to a community like this in Leeds ! You are bringing sharila law to your streets of Cyprus ! Have you read the kuran? They want death to all Christian’s and Jews! This is outrageous ! In the Uk once they all settle they start to groom kids . Rape teenage girls ! Ruin society when it’s not in line with their Islamic agenda ! This is outrageous ! You learned nothing from what the Turks did?

Διαμένω στην περιοχή και θεωρώ απαράδεκτο να δημιουργηθεί μια δομή σε μια νέα κατοικημένη περιοχή , γιατί θα δημιουργούσε προβλήματα στους κατοίκους αλλά και υποβάθμιση

Οι νέοι δεν έχουν την ευκαιρία για να ζήσουμε μόνοι μας λόγο ψηλών ενοικίων, ούτε καν φανταζόμαστε την αγορά, καλύτερα να επενδύσουμε στο δικό μας μέλλον, γιατί σε λίγο θα είμαστε μειονότητα στη χώρα μας.

This project will diminish the value of our properties and It will increase the population of this quiet area. Plus the biggest part of money given for this project they are going to end up in the pockets of the corrupted political persons who are going to receive them. They will just do the bear minimun only to receive the grant. European union is giving huge amount of money to countries with a fully corrupted system like Greece and Cyprus just to use some territory to throw inside immigrants so the problem dont expand to countries like denmark, france, italy , swiss , germany , hungary

Government could use their lands a better way.
1) impossible to have people leaving in old/damaged government houses (they even pay, a small amount though) and offering our lands to others and forgetting our OWN PEOPLE.
2) you are choosing one of the best areas, with rich people, and by doing this, you r automatically reducing the status
3) higher chances for robberies (due to the class of people there)
4) start giving attention to your people

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