Rajon : Qiproja

Υπογράψτε τη δήλωση για τους ενδοκρινικούς διαταράκτες

Peticioni drejtohet tek
Government of Cyprus
219 Mbështetëse
22% arritur 1 000 për objektivin e mbledhjes
219 Mbështetëse
22% arritur 1 000 për objektivin e mbledhjes
  1. Filluar nëntor 2023
  2. Mbledhja akoma > 5 muaj
  3. Nënshtrim
  4. Dialog me marrësin
  5. Vendim

Jam dakord që të dhënat e mia të ruhen . Unë vendos se kush mund ta shohë mbështetjen time. Mund ta revokoj këtë pëlqim në çdo kohë .


The microplastics in the ocean are a great threat not only to human beings consuming fish but also to the whole cosystem. Non profitable companies like "Ocean cleanup" are helping a lot to reduce waste in the sea, but we also need to step up and eliminate waste ending up to the oceans. Consider the great pacific garbage patch, it is a phenomenal damage to our planet and nature. Personally i would like to spread the concern and help as much as I can to reduce ocean waste and bring awareness to this problem.

në 28/01/2024

Βιοϊατρικος Επιστήμονας
Μεταπτυχιακή φοιτήτρια Ιατρικής ΕΚΠΑ "Περιβάλλον και Υγεία. Διαχείριση περιβαλλοντικών θεμάτων με επιπτώσεις στην υγεία".

Ndihmoni në forcimin e pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve. Ne duam t'i bëjmë shqetësimet tuaja të dëgjohen dhe të mbeten të pavarura.

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