Civil rights

End Lockdown In Ireland Fully NOW

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Leo Varadkar
975 supporters 953 in Republic of Ireland

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

975 supporters 953 in Republic of Ireland

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

In my lifetime historic pandemics have been significantly worse in the 1960s and 70s. There is no reason to shut down and wreck everyone's jobs and businesses. It will ultimately cause far more death and misery than the virus, severity of which i feel has been overstated for political reasons. No government has the right to remove our human rights, constitutional rights and God-given rights.
It has appeared from the beginning to be an orchestrated and contrived event to grab more power by the globalist 'elites' like unelected, unqualified Bill Gates who has bought influence in the WHO, governments, media and pharmaceuticals.

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