Civil rights

End Lockdown In Ireland Fully NOW

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Leo Varadkar
975 supporters 953 in Republic of Ireland

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

975 supporters 953 in Republic of Ireland

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

At first, how can state disallow people to see their family and relatives if they feel safe to do so? Movement of freedom? Closing parks, playgrounds, places for kids to just get out? The effect this have taken to countless peoples mental and physical health. Not once we heard to improve our immunities with vitamins, supplements, good diet, clean water, safe, clean environment, fresh air, reduced stress and having a laughter that is know to release vitamin C and help burn off the stress hormones. Epigenetics have proven 95% of disease is stress related. We are have hundreds of thousands of viruses living in us all of the time. Stress causes the immune system to malfunction due to biochemical reactions it have cause in the bodies environment therefore disrupts the homeostasis, affecting digestion, sleep, regeneration and repair, and more and more! The fear in each radio station, TV program have even beyond belief. Most uneducated people are even scared to sit in their back yard! The testing, per the same media, have confirmed many times that numbers are falsely increased. Many health care professionals have come openly and challenges the lockdown (our own prof Dolores Cahill and Dr Marcus De Burn as an example), whilst public have been subjected to lack of movement, fear, lack of support and lack of medical care. Many been to hospitals and their are empty. Many have not had any medical care or help as they dont fit Covid criteria. Elderly people lef to die in care homes with no support, exposing fellow residents,genocide towards elderly. Few have been admitted in Covid ward and exposed to virus whilst they actually dont have it and later discharged now needing self isolation. People who live in domestic or sexually abusive environments have no chance. People who are in families living with special needs get extremely poor support and help. Children are made "the root of evil" and forced to confinement. The trauma caused long therm is not put in a simple therms. People talk vaccine, vaccine yet per Prof Chill and many others it is not a necessity and would pose more danger. As example - injuries and narcolepsy cases from 2009? What have happened to economy? Small businesses? Why are we supporting giant mass medical corporations and not our local people? WHO appear to run conflict of interest as who is funding it? Taking in consideration all population of 4,904m the death toll is 0.03% including deaths with fair probably and no post mortem performed!

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