
NO to Vaccine / Testing Passports for Non Essential Services

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Irish Government
13,839 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

13,839 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2021
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Because medical apartheid is wrong on so many levels. Vaccine coercion is an infringement on our rights as human beings. The covid ‘vaccines’ are experimental and I refuse to take one, give my children one or be discriminated against for my decision on the matter. My risk of dying from covid is 0.002%. The government have exaggerated deaths in Ireland by over 2,000. It’s now suspected and highly probable that covid was a bioweapon. And there was no true pandemic and there are alternative treatments to this respiratory virus. People have been banned from speaking of such treatments. Vaccine coercion isn’t and incentive to get one but rather an incentive to question why it’s so important for us to get it. When we are no better off with it than we were without this time last year. Nothing adds up. As a human being and citizen of Ireland I hugely oppose the vaccine passes for any event, restaurant, pub, travel and so on. There are people who cannot take the vaccine therefore the idea of vaccine passes are already ridiculous before you get to the matter of human rights. The government of Ireland are being dictated by the CMO of Ireland who is in fact a criminal. I oppose the vaccine passes. End of

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