Regione: Cipro
Diritti civili

Protecting Our Homes, Restoring Our Rights: Cyprus Property Occupation Must Stop

La petizione va a
Cyprus Ministry of Interior
15 Supporto

Raccolta voti terminata

15 Supporto

Raccolta voti terminata

  1. Iniziato agosto 2023
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Preparare la presentazione
  4. Dialogo con il destinatario
  5. Decisione

This petition is important because our rights as property owners in Cyprus has been violated, and our properties have been rented out without our consent. Our properties have been totally wrecked as has the site (St Nicholas in Chlorakas). It will cost hundreds of thousands to put right which as an owner of one of the properties I refuse to put up any money for repairs. As Alpha Panaretti have taken rent money and allowed this to happen I think he should be responsible for putting the site back to its original state.

This petition is important because our rights as property owners in Cyprus has been violated, and our properties have been rented out without our consent. Our properties have been totally wrecked as has the site (St Nicholas in Chlorakas). It will cost hundreds of thousands to put right which as an owner of one of the properties I refuse to put up any money for repairs. As Alpha Panaretti have taken rent money and allowed this to happen I think he should be responsible for putting the site back to its original state.

I bought my apt in 2005 via Alpha Bank and Alpha Panareti, who were helping each other to sell the properties. I was sold the apt with a Swiss Francs mortgage which saw the payments increase dramatically with the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, the apt has been in negative equity and I have constantly had to get help with payments. Having a tenant helped - but between us the payments were still less than they needed to be. Alpha Bank has been considerate over the years by periodically revising my mortgage. I now learn that Panareti has conned my tenant into a new contract and is collecting rent from him - rent that was formerly paid directly to the bank to help with the mortgage. I was even more shocked and disappointed to learn today that Neophotou Panaretou has been breaking into apts on the complex since 2021 and that Alpha Bank has been aware of this since at least 2022. This petition is important to me because I want people to be made aware of this behaviour and of the corrupt ministry involved.

I am an honest hard working investor in Cyprus property market and in spite of years of paying my bills and mortgage my property has been rendered derelict and uninhabitable due to the mains water being cutoff and the government housing refugees who have destroyed my property

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