Region: Millisle, Co Down
Bild der Petition Resurface the Moss Road!!

Resurface the Moss Road!!

Petition richtet sich an
MLAs in the upcoming elections
27 Unterstützende

Sammlung beendet

27 Unterstützende

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet April 2023
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

Because the Moss road is the route we take to our church several times a week and to pick up our child from a friends house. We are concerned about the damage that may occur to our car but also potential accidents as all drivers are weaving to avoid the potholes.

This road is a disgrace and there is at least one pot hole now damaging cars badly as they hit it! Its travelling away from Millisle not far from Ballybutle road. Please get this road sorted!
We’d prefer you spend money fixing the road to be car worthy rather than fixing our cars to be road worthy!

Helfen Sie mit, Bürgerbeteiligung zu stärken. Wir wollen Ihren Anliegen Gehör verschaffen und dabei weiterhin unabhängig bleiben.

Jetzt fördern