Locuire / Habitatie

Establish regular bus services to beveridge to wallan and craigieburn

Petiția se adresează
Ros Spence

Colectia terminata


Colectia terminata

  1. A început decembrie 2023
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Pregătiți depunerea
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Additional transport options will allow greater movement, and connection to community services that aren't accessible in beveridge. I live alone and don't have access to a second car so should my car go out of order I have no way to get to work, it will increase the property values with the increase in bus services

As a bus driver that frequents this service. It's important for young and old commuters to travel outside of beveridge to a connecting train station to commute to work or to travel to the the shops and the doctors appointments that do not have other transport options. Beveridge has grown in a short amount of time and the feeling of little to no transport has an isolated feel. Please consider an express shuttle from beveridge to wallan and restart an old service from beveridge to craigieburn station and to run services more frequently.

We only had one car and it was impossible to get anywhere from Beveridge if the car was out. Also I have just spent 2 months in a sling unable to drive. It has meant that I have been confined to the house on days when there is no one around to drive me. This has made me very aware of the many people living in the area that do not have private transport or due to age and disability are unable to access even the most basic needs of groceries or medical appointments. 3 services a day is appalling.

I have no car and need to get my child to school every day in Craigieburn and to work. Also there are no options to leave the town on weekends!! There is only highway between Wallan, Beveridge and Craigieburn so we need a safe way to get in and out without it costing a mint in Uber fees per day.

With the amount of residents in the beveridge area currently and the amount building, we need to have public transport to support this growth.
It will also cause the area to enlarge and become more attractive to potential home owners

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