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End Lockdown In Ireland Fully NOW

Dilekçe halka açık değil
Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Leo Varadkar
975 Destekleyici 953 İçinde İrlanda

Dilekçe sahibi dilekçeyi teslim etmedi.

975 Destekleyici 953 İçinde İrlanda

Dilekçe sahibi dilekçeyi teslim etmedi.

  1. Başladı 2020
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderilen
  4. Diyalog
  5. Başarısız

Because I am responsible and aware citizen and a free woman. I wish my kids to go back to school and I do not want them to live in fear. I wish for the government to not threaten my civil liberties and not to overstep their role in the society. I was born in the totalitarian country and I do not wish to go back to this reality under another name.

At first, how can state disallow people to see their family and relatives if they feel safe to do so? Movement of freedom? Closing parks, playgrounds, places for kids to just get out? The effect this have taken to countless peoples mental and physical health. Not once we heard to improve our immunities with vitamins, supplements, good diet, clean water, safe, clean environment, fresh air, reduced stress and having a laughter that is know to release vitamin C and help burn off the stress hormones. Epigenetics have proven 95% of disease is stress related. We are have hundreds of thousands of viruses living in us all of the time. Stress causes the immune system to malfunction due to biochemical reactions it have cause in the bodies environment therefore disrupts the homeostasis, affecting digestion, sleep, regeneration and repair, and more and more! The fear in each radio station, TV program have even beyond belief. Most uneducated people are even scared to sit in their back yard! The testing, per the same media, have confirmed many times that numbers are falsely increased. Many health care professionals have come openly and challenges the lockdown (our own prof Dolores Cahill and Dr Marcus De Burn as an example), whilst public have been subjected to lack of movement, fear, lack of support and lack of medical care. Many been to hospitals and their are empty. Many have not had any medical care or help as they dont fit Covid criteria. Elderly people lef to die in care homes with no support, exposing fellow residents,genocide towards elderly. Few have been admitted in Covid ward and exposed to virus whilst they actually dont have it and later discharged now needing self isolation. People who live in domestic or sexually abusive environments have no chance. People who are in families living with special needs get extremely poor support and help. Children are made "the root of evil" and forced to confinement. The trauma caused long therm is not put in a simple therms. People talk vaccine, vaccine yet per Prof Chill and many others it is not a necessity and would pose more danger. As example - injuries and narcolepsy cases from 2009? What have happened to economy? Small businesses? Why are we supporting giant mass medical corporations and not our local people? WHO appear to run conflict of interest as who is funding it? Taking in consideration all population of 4,904m the death toll is 0.03% including deaths with fair probably and no post mortem performed!

From doing alot of reading around this virus I believe it's safe to lift the lockdown. I have adhered to the restrictions but now my mental health is strained. I need to connect with others. Also my 3 year old girl needs to play with children. I am not scared from this virus. I am scared of how society will change for the worse.

Science is science, you can't just keep people in their house for failed models that have crashed and burned. You can't expect to wait for a cure or vaccine and cause unknown hurt and emotional trauma to the nation. If you were that worried about all the people you would of used the information you had to make sure the disgraceful handling and loss of life in the care homes would not of happened.

The evidence is mounting that the COVID 19 virus's lethality is much less serious than predicted. It is known the sun, vitamin D, fresh air and seawater all help strengthen our immune systems to fights viruses. Keeping people locked up is weakening their immune systems and will lead to increased infections in the future.

I think that imosing measures where we remove civil rights from people is a dangerous precedent. It is particurarly concerning now that the data clearly shows that the measures that have been imposed are no longer justified and are in fact causing untold harm on Irelands citizens.I fully support protecting vulnerable people and we can do this (according to many many experts in this field) while at the same time allowing healthy people to get back to work and reduce the risk to those vulnerable by building herd immunity in our communities.

It made sense to ask people to distance when we didn't have real data but now we know the mortality is similar to the flu. Why is this charade continuing? How many lives will bexlost to suicide and other illnesses when the biggest recession in living memory kicks in?

Right to privacy, freedom of movement and no to mandatory vacenations.

Everyone has their own choice to choose and their own voice to speak.

No one has the right to tell someone what to do and how to do it.

Freedom & choice needs to be respected & upheld as per the consistuation.

Human interaction is very important for our mental and emotional well-being. Our economy has been hit so bad that some people may not be able to recover again another blow to their emotional and mental well-being. Then not to mention the fact that a lockdown was never truly needed. The elderly and most vulnerable in our society could have been isolated while the rest of society kept going. Looking at other country's who did not go into lockdown or lockdown their boarders, ports and airports had less deaths. Our government have definitely caused more harm than good due to these lockdown measures.

This lockdown has not supported by scientific data , it is a breach of our inalienable God given rights and freedom, it is destroying more lives than saving and it is a regime that is ant-human, it does not serve the people on any way

In my lifetime historic pandemics have been significantly worse in the 1960s and 70s. There is no reason to shut down and wreck everyone's jobs and businesses. It will ultimately cause far more death and misery than the virus, severity of which i feel has been overstated for political reasons. No government has the right to remove our human rights, constitutional rights and God-given rights.
It has appeared from the beginning to be an orchestrated and contrived event to grab more power by the globalist 'elites' like unelected, unqualified Bill Gates who has bought influence in the WHO, governments, media and pharmaceuticals.

I am worried about the long term repercussions of the lockdown. I don't believe physical health trumps mental health because when we are mentally unwell our immune systems are compromised. And our immune systems are also compromised when we isolate ourselves from other people.

Because I have a son who is vaccine injured. I wish for the lockdown to end. My husband is put on a 3 day week. And we are not sure if he will be let go due to the lockdown. I wish for schools to reopen and services to go back to normal. Its isolation to the highest degree and taken away our freedom of rights. Not to mention our mental health. End this lockdown down. Eat healthy and think positively for yourself.

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