
NO to Vaccine / Testing Passports for Non Essential Services

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Peticioni drejtohet tek
Irish Government
13 839 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

13 839 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

  1. Filluar 2021
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. I dështuar

I grew up in Apartheid South Africa, so I know, from personal experience, the dangers of creating a two-tier society. In South Africa, under Apartheid, the black people had to carry the Dompas (a type of passport) if they went out of their area in case they were stopped by the police. In an opposite state of affairs, a medical passport of sorts will be given to the vaccinated as a means of separating society. It didn't work in South Africa and it will not work here. Providing passports for the administration of something still considered experimental is wrong and an abuse of power by those in government pushing it.

What the government is introducing is I believe coeresion into receiving this 'vaccine'. I want to wait until I see the effects of this. I believe this is my right. My body, my choice. No matter what is said this 'vaccine' was rushed, not properly tested over a long period of time and is only authorised for emergency use only and has adverse reactions which are being covered up. The lack of informed consent bothers my immensely.

This petition is extremely important, the new legislation is discriminatory & going to have a huge impact on the young people of Ireland. It makes me angry & upset & I just wish these people in power would think more about how these laws would affect them if they were just teenagers still. It’s just awful. Ireland will never be the same again if this is passed.

Because medical apartheid is wrong on so many levels. Vaccine coercion is an infringement on our rights as human beings. The covid ‘vaccines’ are experimental and I refuse to take one, give my children one or be discriminated against for my decision on the matter. My risk of dying from covid is 0.002%. The government have exaggerated deaths in Ireland by over 2,000. It’s now suspected and highly probable that covid was a bioweapon. And there was no true pandemic and there are alternative treatments to this respiratory virus. People have been banned from speaking of such treatments. Vaccine coercion isn’t and incentive to get one but rather an incentive to question why it’s so important for us to get it. When we are no better off with it than we were without this time last year. Nothing adds up. As a human being and citizen of Ireland I hugely oppose the vaccine passes for any event, restaurant, pub, travel and so on. There are people who cannot take the vaccine therefore the idea of vaccine passes are already ridiculous before you get to the matter of human rights. The government of Ireland are being dictated by the CMO of Ireland who is in fact a criminal. I oppose the vaccine passes. End of

I am a mother of 3 children and I refuse to be vaccinated to enter a premises when my immune system will do the same thing. It is a trial vaccine and the outcome for many is unknown. I also fear for the future of my children,if we give away our freedom and are forced to vaccinate to use services what sort of future are we leaving for our children

Mandatory vaccine is against true freedom. If I wanted it I would get it. But when governments start bribing the masses with money, discounts and deals for a vaccine that’s supposed to be so wonderful and save your life? Seems suss. With the death rate of 0.3% they’re no need. It’s a worse version of the common cold.

Should have a choice, feels like bribary at this stage. Young healthy people should not be pressured into getting a vaccine that has not been thoroughly tested. Pfizer is now facing the largest lawsuit in US history (2 billion dollars) and the Irish government is still pressuring people into getting it. An absolute disgrace

I do not consent to participating in the covid vaccine experiment and/or covid testing. I have natural immunity from a previous covid infection, which was extremely mild. As a result, I would never consider participating in this medical experiment as (1) I'm not at risk & (2) the risk/benefit ratio would not be in my favour.

I do not consent to the undemocratic, draconian measures being taken by the Irish govt under the direction of the unelected, unaccountable scientific dictatorship, NPHET. My private health choices are no one's business but my own and agency over my own body is not conditional regardless of circumstance. The abortion mantra, "my body, my choice" is not to be suddenly disregarded to appease anyone's belief system/personal fears. Bodily autonomy does not come with strings attached. I am not responsible for anybody else's health, just as no one is responsible for mine.

I will not be coerced/bullied into sacrificing my health "for the common good" and do not expect to be discriminated against for my private, personal health choices. I will also no longer be participating in these covid regulations, as it is clear that my contribution has gone unappreciated as is evident from the proposal to introduce vaccine passports, which will serve to exclude me from society.

I am deeply ashamed to be Irish and have nothing but contempt for our govt representatives who are clearly not guardians of the constitution nor do they value my individual liberties which are the cornerstone of a democratic society. Shame on each and every one of you.

This is an experimental Jab and is doing more harm than good. It has killed more people than the swine flu jab and than was pulled off the market rapid with only handful of deads .This mrna experimental jab has killed thousands and yet its still on cards and coercive attempts by government and public sector to get people to get the jab is mortally wrong and against the Nuremberg code . They should be held accountable for crimes against humanity and people of Ireland.

Ndihmoni në forcimin e pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve. Ne duam t'i bëjmë shqetësimet tuaja të dëgjohen dhe të mbeten të pavarura.

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