Kraj : Hackney
Obrázek petice Prevent the opening of a vape shop on well street

Prevent the opening of a vape shop on well street

Petice je adresována
council of Hackney London Borough Council

Petice byla dokončena


Petice byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena listopadu 2023
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
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Prevent the opening of a dedicated vape shop at 40a well street. This will without doubt attract children and our council cannot permit this. Off-licences are already selling similar products to adults behind the counter so there is no need for a dedicated shop next door. I don’t care how responsible they will be about selling to miners - the pure existence of this shop is more than enough marketing to spark interest in children and this vaping epidemic needs to stop and our street does not need this.


To prevent children in the area who have never been smokers to adopt vaping.

Děkujeme za vaši podporu , Fiona Hutchison z Qp
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