Remove Christopher Manfredi from McGill

Petitsioon blokeeriti kasutustingimuste eiramise tõttu.
Petitsioonid, mis rikuvad kasutustingimusi , lõpetatakse ja need pole enam avalikult saadaval.

Blokeerimise põhjus

Petitsiooni võib esitada ainult juhul, kui petitsiooni esitaja registreerub oma täisnimega või juriidilise isikuna, märkides registreeritud aadressi ja aktiivselt kasutatava e-posti aadressi. Kontrollimiseks kasutatakse e-posti aadressi. Aadressi võib kasutada lisaks riigiasutuste kinnitamiseks..

Petitsiooni algatajale tehti openPetitioni toimetajate poolt hoiatus kasutustingimuste rikkumise kohta ja tal oli viis päeva aega petitsiooni läbivaatamiseks. Seda ei juhtunud. Seetõttu blokeeriti petitsioon.

Avalduse tekst

When high-ranking administrators at McGill hold discriminatory beliefs, all marginalized groups on campus suffer. Specifically, it’s come to Queer McGill’s attention that Christopher Manfredi, McGill’s Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) holds transphobic beliefs, beliefs that are interconnected with his denunciation of advocacy against other forms of oppression.  We call on McGill’s Board of Governors to immediately remove Manfredi from his position at this university.

Manfredi has sent a series of emails to McGill students to suppress peaceful protest. He defends McGill calling the cops on its own students, and he defends the arrest of a protestor while invoking the AGSEM strikes and pro-Palestinian movements to instill fear in all student protestors. He commends McGill security who watched idly while Zionists tried to step on and kick participants lying down at the die-in.

Beyond the recent communications, Manfredi is openly transphobic. He has liked a twitter post about “the woke mob” attempting to “cancel” Dave Chapelle for transphobic jokes. His values do not align with McGill’s esprit rassembleur that he touts in his email on March 28 - “a place of meeting and exchange for all peoples of the world”.  A university with Manfredi as its Provost is not a safe university for queer students.

Aidake tugevdada kodanikuosalust. Tahame teha Teie mured kuuldavaks, jäädes samas iseseisvaks.

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