
Yes to Water and Life, No to Lithium in Salinas Grandes and Laguna Guayatayoc

Petitie is gericht aan
Interamerican Comission on Human Rights
135 Ondersteunend

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

135 Ondersteunend

Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid

  1. Begonnen mei 2023
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Overdracht voorbereiden
  4. Gesprek met ontvanger
  5. Beslissing

the struggle over the environmental costs from technological practices is an important topic for the planet, for local communities, and something that I research on as an academic. the environmental costs of lithium extraction have been particularly neglected, and this petition does an important job in raising the issue.

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