440 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Planning Minister of Western Australia and the Shire President of Augusta Margaret River
To the Planning Minister of Western Australia and the Shire President of Augusta Margaret River
This petition is to show our objection to the proposed wind farm in Scott River, Western Australia for the following reasons;
(1) The Scott River district is known for its high ecological value and is protected under the ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 (Scott River Ironstone Association – Endangered Category) there is a high risk to endangered flora and fauna from wind turbine construction and operation. There are 26 fauna species listed as threatened, priority or under protection that occur within the Scott River catchment. (2) Industrial wind turbines will increase fire risk to the local community, with no aerial and limited ground support around the site. (3) There is a very high risk of Acid Sulphate Soils being created during and after the construction of the enormous wind turbines and what this will present to the sensitive waterways of the Scott and Blackwood River, neighbouring farmland and Flinders Bay. (4) Neighbouring landowners have valid health concerns living under 250m high wind turbines and will be exposed to the noise, disturbance and shadow flicker.
We ask you to consider the rare and endangered wildlife, nearby residents and our unique and sensitive environment when considering industrialised development at the Scott River and our strong objection to the proposed wind farm in such an unsuitable location.
There is a very probable risk of Acid Sulphate Soils being created during and after the construction of the enormous wind turbines and what this will present to the sensitive waterways of the Scott and Blackwood River, neighbouring farmland and Flinders Bay. It's been proven 20+ years ago with the failed Beenup mineral sand mine that sits adjacent to the site. BHP couldn't contain the toxic reaction in the soil when they disturbed the soil below a certain depth. This environmental disaster cost the mining company $800 million dollars to clean up and is still under ongoing rehabilitation and monitoring to ensure the toxic sulphuric acid and heavy metals and arsenic do not leach into the nearby Scott River.
The modern wind turbine requires substantial footings of 10m plus and extensive underground cabling to connect to the grid... The proposed location of the wind farm, will also risk the superficial aquifer system and the native vegetation that has specifically adapted to the ironstone profile of esturine environment. Wind turbine foundations on this known, high risk Acid Sulphate Soil site at the Scott River is a disaster waiting to happen!
The Scott River district is known for its high ecological value. The entire wind farm project is located inside the sensitive 'Scott River Ecological Community protected federally under the EPBC act. There are 26 fauna species listed as threatened, priority our under protection that occur within the Scott River catchment. Flinders Bay is an internationally recognised birthing ground for the endangered Southern Right Whale and and a successful and sustainable aquaculture industry, an Acid Sulphate Soil breach at the Scott River will have serious effects on our environment and wildlife.
The block sizes are too small at the Scott River to safely host an industrial energy project of this size and scale. The wind turbines proposed will be unprecedented at 250m high and the largest land-based turbines in the country, equal height to the largest skyscrapers in the Perth city skyline! The amenity and rural landscape will be changed forever with multiple industrial skyscrapers towering over residents 365 days of the year, creating noise, shadow flicker and other disturbances like flashing lights at night.
Industrial wind turbines will increase fire risk to Augusta, Scott River, Molloy Island, East Augusta, Karridale Alexandra Bridge, Warner Glen and Kudarup communities. With no aerial and limited ground support around the industrial site. This is due to the no-fly zone above a wind turbine facility. Firefighters are already restricted at ground level due to the high value ecological communities that are protected federally under the EPBC act (Scott River Ironstone Association) that exist in the neighbourhood. Ground crews and fire trucks are restricted on sensitive sites surrounding the wind farm proposal. This puts our community and assets at a heightened risk from bushfires.with no aerial support and limited ground support around the proposed wind farm. Industrial wind turbines disperse highly toxic compounds onto the ground and into the air during catastrophic failures.
Health Effects:
Synergy is claiming that it's safe to live near and run livestock under the turbines. However, many international studies have shown there are serious health effects for humans and livestock. A German study found the pulsing acoustic vibration from wind farm infrasound 20 kilometres out from turbines. Something to consider for residents living in Augusta, East Augusta, Karridale and Kudarup, just over 10km from the Scott River proposal. Molloy Island, Nillup, Warner Glen and Alexandra Bridge residents are in the firing line at just under 6km. Wind turbines create a noise that humans can hear measured in decibels. However, they also produce a sound ultrasonically by the blades, called infrasound. Humans don't hear it as such, it's more like a frequency and a vibration and it's measured below 20 hertz. Infrasound easily travels through the walls of your home and into the human body. This creates serious discomfort in people. Causing sleep disturbance, balance problems, nausea and headaches. One common link amongst sufferers of infrasound exposure is heart disease. It's been shown that in some cases livestock actually die from the stress and lack of sleep, as they simply can not rest with the noise, ultrasonic vibration and disturbance from the wind turbines, around the clock. Developers of industrial wind facilities are currently only regulated by audible noise measured in decibels, not low frequency emissions measured in hertz. This policy needs to change.
Contamination of farm land and waterways is a serious concern for residents. The 100m long blades of a wind turbine erode during operation. This leading edge erosion spreads micro-plastics over great distances.
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Shire Of Augusta Margaret River Scott River
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on 23 Dec 2024If you would like to help in any way or have a specialised expertise in any of the areas of compliance mentioned here we would welcome your assistance. You can reach out to us via the Facebook page, No Wind Turbines Scott River.
email: savethescottriver@gmail.com
telephone: 0400666600 or 0429843987 -
Neighbours demand details as host site confirmed for proposed Synergy Scott River wind farm project
on 02 Dec 2024 -
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Disgraceful that this wind farm was s even an option in this s gorgeous region , or any . Such an environmentally unfriendly power option
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Research done shows how much damage to the local environment will be done. Lack of transparency with local land owners is unethical at the very least