46 signatures
Collection finished
Petition is addressed to: Western Australian Planning Commission
The Department of Communities proposes to redevelopment the infamous Stirling Towers site on 49 Smith Street Highgate. The development (reference 10-50303-1) will be considered by the Western Australian Planning Commission and submissions can be made to referrals@dplh.wa.gov.au. Please sign this petition and make a submission.
Development of the site is supported by the community. However the design proposed does not comply with State Planning Policy (SPP 7.0) that requires 'good design' and 'design quality' or the City of Vincent's town planning scheme. Attractive montages, landscaping and fake brick veneer cannot conceal inhospitable 'modern penitentiary chic' design - buildings without architecture merit, built down to price - that do not comply with planning rules, rules everybody else has to comply with.
The Department's own Planning Report acknowledges the proposal fails to meet the required planning rules 21 times. For example the planning rules allow a maximum of 80 dwelling per hectare or 40 dwellings on the site (which is high density for Perth) - 109 dwellings are proposed or almost three times the allowable high density code. Also 115 car bays are required but only 62 are proposed.
The design ignores the recommendations of the State Design Review Panel (SDRP) which called for significant design improvements. SDRP recommendations could be addressed if the density was not so ambitious, non-compliant and unreasonable. The interface with Smith and Stirling Street could be significantly improved, the tree canopy increased and the general legibility, amenity, privacy, safety and liveability could be enhanced. Currently one in five dwellings will receive no direct sunlight. On Stirling Street the development will be setback just 2 metres and have a 13 metre facade and no landscaping. The proposed sustainability initiatives are a bare minimum, for example there is no provision for EV charging. All but one tree will be retained on the site.
This development provides an opportunity for Government to show leadership and demonstrate how affordable housing can be well designed, of a high standard and be achieved within the bounds of the Government’s own planning rules. Leading by example and practicing what you preach!
We the undersigned believe the Government, Department of Communities and City of Vincent can and should do better, the project architect can do better and the project should leave a positive legacy we can all be proud of in 100 years’ time, rather than demolishing it in 40 years, like the Stirling Towers.
This petition is important because we need to get social and affordable housing right. We fully appreciate we have a housing and homelessness crisis but that is no excuse to produce sub-standard design and quality and buildings without architecture merit or enduring character. Buildings that just don't fit into the streetscape and community.
Why shouldn’t public or social housing achieve a high level of design, quality and outcomes? Likewise why shouldn’t public or social housing meet the Government's own planning rules?
By any measure the existing Stirling Towers were an ‘undesirable precedence’. These tiny, dense and cheap apartments weren’t great places to live, study or work, to bring up a family or comfortable place to endure Perth’s endless summers. Like the current proposal they embody poor design and quality. As a consequence Stirling Tower became infamous for anti-social behaviour, crime, self-harm, drugs and prostitution. We can't make the same mistake twice. We need to ensure any new development is attractive, well designed, enduring, of a high standard, appropriate and enhances the area. We have to avoid the prospect of (re)creating a ‘ghetto’ and keeping that infamous reputation of the Stirling Towers in the past.
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Western Australia
Ready for submitting - Smith Street Petition closes today
on 13 Aug 2024Hi everyone, thanks for supporting this important submission. It will be closed off tonight and delivered to Council, WAPC, John Carey MP tomorrow.
Changes to the petition
on 13 Aug 2024 -
Changes to the petition
on 13 Aug 2024
No CONTRA argument yet.