blocked initiatives — Brazil
These initiatives violate our Terms of Use. The initiators have not submitted a revised version within the set deadline. For reasons of transparency, the reason for the suspension and the text of the initiative remain visible. You can protest the closing of a petition.
Not applicable to any petition in this country (Brazil).
Petitions in other countries in the national language (Portuguese)
Que as leis dos cães de serviço sejam expandidas também para os animais de assistência emocional
Reason for blocking:
Petitions containing false statements of fact, missing sources, or misleading omission of relevant facts will be terminated. openPetition reserves the right to subsequently request sources in controversial cases or to have essential facts supplemented.
Inclua fontes (links/URLs) para as seguintes declarações: - Está clinicamente provado que tocar num animal acalma as pessoas, reduzindo a sua frequência cardíaca. Assim, sintomas de ansiedade ou pânico podem ser imediatamente reduzidos apenas pelo toque e proximidade.