Region: Quakertown
Image of the petition Quakertown YMCA - stop the removal of the men and women’s locker rooms

Quakertown YMCA - stop the removal of the men and women’s locker rooms

Petition is directed to
Quakertown YMCA
127 supporters

Collection finished

127 supporters

Collection finished

  1. Launched February 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

My granddaughters participate in programs at this facility. Their privacy and safety needs to be maintained. Sex-based multi-use locker rooms need to be provided, with single use facilities provided for any member who feels uncomfortable for any reason in using a multi-use locker room.

Safety for those who would like designated space. Although we appreciated the universal locker room when kids were younger and my husband needed to help change the kids, my teenage daughter would not want to change in a universal locker room. Swim team use of the facility and frequently use the designated locker rooms.

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