Regione: Merilandas
Pilietinės teisės

Push for HCC Admin and Board of Trustees to Publicly Condemn Acts Threatening Student Safety

Peticija adresuota
HCC Admin and Board of Trustees
23 Palaikantis
5% pasiektas 500 surinkimo tikslui
23 Palaikantis
5% pasiektas 500 surinkimo tikslui
  1. Pradėta 2024.3.14
  2. Rinkimas vis dar 5 savaitės
  3. Pateikimas
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

Sutinku, kad mano duomenys būtų saugomi . Aš nusprendžiu, kas gali matyti mano paramą. Galiu bet kada atšaukti šį sutikimą .


On March 12, 2024, Howard Community College permitted a Pro-Israeli group to host a discussion event titled "Unanswered Question: Israel-Palestinian Conflict." While groups have the right to organize events on campus regardless of their beliefs, the occurrence of physical and verbal assaults against HCC students peacefully protesting the event was deeply concerning. We are not only calling on the HCC Administration and Board of Trustees to publicly denounce acts that threaten student safety but also to ensure that appropriate consequences are imposed on the individuals responsible. SIGN THE PETITION! HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD!


  • Public safely physically grabbing a peacefully protesting student to escort him out and state that he is "banned from campus" after threatening jail time for his actions
  • In response to students peacefully protesting the racial profiling and propaganda being spread by The HCC Jewish Group and their keynote speaker, Joel Margolis, faculty member Janice Weinberger and her guest stuck middle fingers up at students. Her guest proceeded to exclaim "go to hell", "I'm an American citizen" and "I hope your children die in a burning oven".
  • Public safety was present during all aforementioned altercations hearing everything occurring yet proceeded to silence and threaten the Pro-palestinian protests with removal.

Dėkojame už palaikymą, Student Activism Organizers iš Village of Silver Springs
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I condemn all acts of hatred and violence and I also condemn the dehumanization of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. I am very disheartened by the levels of Islamaphobis and anti Arab rhetoric and for students to be threatened for challenging the views of a people or wearing traditional garb is anti American at its core.

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