
Yes to Water and Life, No to Lithium in Salinas Grandes and Laguna Guayatayoc

Petitionen behandles
Interamerican Comission on Human Rights
135 Støttende

Samlingen er afsluttet

135 Støttende

Samlingen er afsluttet

  1. Startede maj 2023
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Forbered indsendelse
  4. Dialog med modtageren
  5. Beslutning

There are too many lithium ‘gold-rush’ diggers around with questionable concepts and lack of hydrogeological knowledge which could damage not only the water resources but the resources themselves. Therefore it needs the involvement of the communities as well as a sound knowledgable supervision of the mining operations.

Hjælp med til at styrke borgerdeltagelse. Vi ønsker at gøre dine bekymringer hørt, mens du forbliver uafhængig.

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