Região: Brasil

Petition for the Continuation of the Galileo Solar Space Telescope Mission within the AEB's Workflow

A petição é dirigida a
Mrs. Luciana Santos, Brazilian Ministry of Science, Tecnology and Inovation
88 Apoiador

Colecta finalizada

88 Apoiador

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado outubro 2023
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Além da missão gerar dados importantes para ciência e gerar dados operacionais para previsão do clima espacial, que exercem impactos na Terra, a tecnologia envolvida nesta missão é muito importante para o avanço e capacitação da indústria nacional. Além disto coloca o INPE como um player importante na área de ciência e engenharia!

O GSST é a principal missão espacial sendo proposta no Brasil e tem o potencial de colocar o pais em condições de colaboração efetiva com a comunidade internacional em temas de Heliofísica, Clima Espacial e Mudanças Climáticas. Em paralelo, será um projeto de interesse da indústria de alta tecnologia.

The magnetic field measurements provided by the Galileo mission are essential to many researchers. Only these sort of information will help us to understand the variability of the Sun and predict the evolution of space weather and space climate.

Space weather is getting more important as we progress technologically. Unfortunately, governments and administrations are getting more and more reluctant to support these areas.
Earlier, KIS, in Germany faced threats of closing the laboratory and stopping financial support. Now Galileo Solar Space Telescope Mission is facing a similar threat. Unfortunately around the world, this sort of substandard activities are increasing.
On the other hand, climate change, global warming and other natural/anthropogenic induced issues are on the rise.
Thus I request all those concerned with the Galileo Solar Space Telescope to continue support the mission.

Being professional astronomer, I know the importance of space observatories to provide data of great quality and which are not accessible from ground base observatories (due to Earth atmosphere). Indeed space and ground base observatories are complementary in providing the key data to enhance our global knowledge of our environment and more generally of our universe..

O projeto é oportunidade unica para alavancar tanto desenvolvimento de tecnologias sofisticadas no Brasile amadurecer a industria nacional, quanto o avanço cientifico crucial para o entendimento do sistema terreste e sua dinamicas. Principalmente numa era de mudanças climaticas extremas de causa antropica.

A 04/10/2023

I have been working in the field of Solar Irradiance variability and Heating of the Solar Atmoisphere, considering the objectives of the GSST: particularly,
The space observatory would also carry instruments to measure solar irradiance and in situ instruments for plasma and magnetic field observations.
The Galileo Solar Space Telescope (GSST) is a spacecraft mission to provide accurate measurements of the magnetic field and its evolution from the solar surface through the outer layers of the solar atmosphere as part of the international efforts to understand the evolution of the heliosphere and its influences on the Earth. It is important to determine the impacts of solar UV irradiance variability on Earth's Climate and Space Weather. Considering the strong scientific objectives of the mission, the GSST should be supported, expressing as an international person. In fact I would like to use and collaborate on the observations from GSST and with its team members.

Seeing free observations of the Sun from Space and particularly spectropolarimetric observations using novel instruments anticipated to be installed on GSST are timely and of vital importance to the international science community for better understanding our living star, the Sun, and consequently other starts in the universe. Moreover, such a space mission will create great opportunities to develop science and technology at different levels, and to interact and network with the international science communities. As such, I would greatly support the continuation of the progression of the GSST within the Brazilian Space Agency's (AEB) Procedure for Selection and Adoption of Space Missions (ProSAME).

Ajude a fortalecer a participação cívica. Queremos que as suas preocupações sejam ouvidas, permanecendo independentes.

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