Kraj : The whole world

NATO Cover the air space next to EU and Ukraine borders

Petice je adresována
NATO; EU parliament

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.


Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

  1. Zahájena listopadu 2022
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

People around the world, are asking NATO member states and EU countries to close the airspace over Ukraine and neighboring country borders and deploy peacekeeping troops in Ukraine, provide military assistance to Kyiv and support the Ukrainian people.


To save lives, homes and global economic.

Děkujeme za vaši podporu , Anna Veisa z Riga LV-
Dotaz na iniciátora

Odkaz na petici

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