Respect for the rule of law within the European Union

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European Commission
0 de susținere 0 in Uniunea Europeană

Petiția a fost inchisa

0 de susținere 0 in Uniunea Europeană

Petiția a fost inchisa

  1. A început 2019
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. Terminat

Aceasta este o inițiativă cetățenească europeană.

Creation of an objective and impartial evaluation mechanism to verify the application of the European Union’s values by all the Member States. (a) Provide the European Union with general legislation making it possible to verify in an objective manner the practical application of national provisions relating to the rule of law in order to strengthen mutual trust between the Member States and to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of Article 7 TEU concerning possible breaches of the Union’s values. (b) Facilitate the enforcement of European laws on judicial cooperation in criminal matters (e.g. the European Arrest Warrant).

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