No Klamath Regional Landfill CUP 1-24
We are landowners and concerned citizens in Klamath County, Oregon that oppose the approval of a Conditional Use Permit that would allow development of a 800+acre Regional Landfill. The proposed site would negatively impact a Sensitive Ecological Area, Native American Historic Cultural Site, National Forest Enjoyment, and Surrounding Properties and Residents. We understand there will be a need for another landfill in the future, but because a parcel of land is zoned in such a way as to permit a conditional use, it does not imply it is necessarily appropriate for the site. Ongoing conservation efforts in the area have positive, measurable results after many dedicated hours of work and dollars. To site a landfill in proximity to these valuable, historic, and fragile areas would be irresponsible stewardship and misuse of this land.. Quite simply, this is a bad plan for a beautiful place. Deny CUP 1-24