Region: Lenz Rd, Klamath County, Oregon

Deny Klamath County Regional Landfill CUP 1-24

Petition is addressed to
Klamath County Planning Commission

23 signatures

Collection finished

23 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched May 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: Klamath County Planning Commission

The Klamath County Planning Commission will be holding a hearing on May 28, 2024 to review an application for a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed regional landfill. By gathering signatures on this petition, we hope to prove to the Commission that Klamath County citizens are opposed to construction of a regional landfill on the subject property. The site of the proposed landfill is in northern Klamath County, east of Hwy 97 on Lenz Rd, southeast of the railway. This is an ecologically sensitive area surrounded by three national forests, a wildlife refuge, a Native American Cultural Heritage site, and at the headwaters of a world- class fly- fishing river. A great amount of time, effort and money has been spent on conservation of this area and there are plans in place for future enhancements and preservation of this land, Disruption of this fragile ecosystem by construction of a landfill would lead to widespread and likely irreversible damage to the organisms that depend on a stable environment. As well, residents of adjacent properties would be adversely affected by a decline in property value, loss of peace and tranquility, increased fire risk, passive exposure to toxins and odors, and an increased risk of contamination of the water supply. For these reasons, we oppose CUP 1-24 and request the Planning Commission deny the application and proposal in its entirety. It is, very simply, a bad plan for a beautiful place.


I am a resident of Klamath County and I own a 40-acre property adjacent to the site proposed for a regional landfill. No one likes the idea of a landfill in their backyard, but as long as there is garbage, there will be a need for them. However, this particular proposal for this location is insane. Conservation efforts in this area are well-documented and ongoing. A landfill will attract new scavengers, predators, and vermin that will compete with native wildlife for resources and provide an undesirable food supply capable of transmitting disease through the food chain. Who would want that? The Klamath Tribes' history and culture is embedded here, and they have invested countless hours to ensure it is preserved for generations to come. A landfill poses a risk to that effort. How could you justify that risk? The people that live near the site for this landfill purchased their property to enjoy it. Some bought for retirement, some for recreation, some for a place away from the city to call home. These people work hard at steadily improving their land. What kind of person would deliberately take the enjoyment away from their properties and devalue them to boot? If you know the answers for those questions, you probably don't live here, and you'll never understand that some things are more important than constructing landfills and counting dollars. We do.

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Petition details

Petition started: 05/03/2024
Petition ends: 08/03/2024
Region: Lenz Rd, Klamath County, Oregon
Topic: Habitation

Not yet a PRO argument.

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