Regione: Ephraim

Help Granary Arts Purchase and Preserve Historic Buildings on Main Street in Ephraim!

Peticija adresuota
John Scott, Mayor of Ephraim
9 Palaikantis

Peticiją pareiškėjas atsiėmė

9 Palaikantis

Peticiją pareiškėjas atsiėmė

  1. Pradėta sausio 2024
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta
  4. Dialogas
  5. Nepavyko

Granary Arts has demonstrated and proven itself to be a committed and trusted local partner in ensuring long-term historic preservation and ongoing public access and enjoyment of these buildings and properties. Ephraim City and the surrounding region will be fortunate to count on their vision, dedication, and resources toward maintaining the integrity and developing future uses of this critically valuable heart of our community. Thank you, Mayor Scott and Ephraim City Council, for your partnership with and support for Granary over the years, and for working with the organization toward finding the best long-term vision for protecting, preserving, and using these wonderful buildings and space into the future!


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