
Bhisho Hall Multi Purpose Centre

Peticioni drejtohet tek
Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM)
95 Mbështetëse

Mbledhja mbaroi

95 Mbështetëse

Mbledhja mbaroi

  1. Filluar janar 2024
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Përgatituni për paraqitje
  4. Dialog me marrësin
  5. Vendim

With the sky rocketing unemployment rate and crime in Bhisho, there are young people with great skills with the effort of building the community who lack an infrastructure. To name few; gym clubs, photography services, computer class, sport codes, sowing, projects, etc. The hall could play a significant impact in building & uniting the youth curbing the problems we have as community. 


With the sky rocketing unemployment rate and crime in Bhisho, there are young people with great skills with the effort of building the community who lack an infrastructure. To name few; gym clubs, photography services, computer class, sport codes, sowing, projects, etc. The hall could play a significant impact in building & uniting the youth curbing the problems we have as community. 

Ju faleminderit shumë për mbështetjen tuaj , Bhisho Community nga , Bhisho
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