
Emergency Medical Services should be included as “Healthcare Workers”

Peticija je naslovljena na
Governor Gavin Newsom
27 podpornik
5% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
27 podpornik
5% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
  1. Začelo 10.3.2024
  2. Zbirka še vedno
  3. Predložitev
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

Strinjam se, da bodo moji podatki shranjeni . Jaz odločam, kdo lahko vidi mojo podporo. To soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličem .


EMS should be included in Gavin Newsoms’ new bill for minimum wage to be $25 for all healthcare workers. EMS should be considered healthcare workers and should be included in the pay increase. As Emergency Medical Services, we work alongside nurses and doctors but we also respond to often dangerous emergencies to help patients receive the care they need. EMS plays a crucial role to providing life saving care for people in their most emergent time of need. EMTs and Paramedics deserve a seat at the table when it comes to equality amongst healthcare workers. We are already on the same side we deserve to be treated as such.


I feel like although it is amazing that healthcare workers are being paid more as they deserve as of June 2024 under Newsoms’ new bill, it would be fair for EMS to be included in that. I feel like we do so much for the community, and sacrifice sleep, comfort and more to provide emergency care to our patients it’s only fair we get paid the same as healthcare workers. Oftentimes Emergency Medical Services are overlooked and ignored when it comes to pay and other rights. For most, it is an out of sight, out of mind situation. Most people don’t even think about EMS until they have to call 911 and they expect someone to show up. We just want EMS to stop being an afterthought and be recognized as frontline healthcare workers as we already are.

Hvala za tvojo podporo, Dakota Carter izven Redwood Valley
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