36 signatures
Petition is addressed to: Zoning board of Washington Township, Bergen County, NJ 07676
Please beware of the plan to transform the property at 44 Pascack Road to a 14 unit townhouse development.
The nearby road intersection of Pascack Road and Linwood Ave is already heavily congested. Multiple requests to install traffic light were declined citing multiple towns and county sharing the road. If town goes through with this plan, the exiting from Washington Township development will become very challenging and will lead to an increase in the traffic accidents.
In addition to signing petition, please join the zoning board meeting on the zoom on June 18th, 2024 at 7:30 pm est
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on 31 Aug 2024
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There is going to be so much traffic on Pascack Road....we will never be able to walk there. As it is now it is a crazy race way and you take your life in your hands walking on this stretch of road....adding more vehicles in this area? Seems very irresponsible and really just unsafe,
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Concerned about implications of insufficient parking and visitor overflow into our private parking facilities.