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Reopen the Brothers Post Office

Peticija je naslovljena na
Residents of this county
25 podpornik
5% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
25 podpornik
5% dosežen 500 za cilj zbiranja
  1. Začelo januar 2024
  2. Zbirka še vedno 8 dan
  3. Predložitev
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

Strinjam se, da bodo moji podatki shranjeni . Jaz odločam, kdo lahko vidi mojo podporo. To soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličem .


The post office in Brothers Or. was closed a couple of years ago due to the deterioration of the building and the lack of water, needless to say it was a sad day for the residents of Millican , Brothers, Hampton and the surrounding rural neighbors all of whom have to travel 45 miles or more to get mail services. In the winter this can be quite hazardous especially for the elderly and disabled.


My name is Michael Thayer I am the new owner of the Brothers Stage Stop and Post Office in Brothers Or. My wife and my son and I purchased the property in December of 2022. Since then we have been hard at work to clean up and restore the historic site. The property has been cleaned up and we have had a well drilled for water and we are in the process of remodeling the mfg house on the property so we have a place to live. After that we will be remodeling the Stage Stop and Post Office building . When I meet anyone local one of the first questions that I am asked is when will you be opening the Post Office, everyone has a need for that and a story about how not having it has adversely impacted their lives . I have talked to the Post Office in Bend Or. they first gave me a number to call to ask about reopening the Post Office, and that Post Office didn’t know anything about it so they gave me another number to call and when I called that number they said the exact same thing and gave me another number to call, when I got this same answer about five times I was given the number to the Bend Post office and the whole thing started all over again. So I have went in person to the Post office in Bend to get mail and stood in line for literally hours and hours so that I might talk to someone in person. I have had my name and phone number taken down and been told that someone who knows will call me soon. I have done that at least 6 times since we’ve purchased the property, I have still not received even one single call! We need to know if the post office can be reopened before we can start the remodel on the building. So we can include the post office in the building or not. I know that everyone can understand deadlines for improvements have to be met so that investors are satisfied with the progress and can approve refinancing the home mortgage so that we can use our equity to fund the restoration of this historic landmark. We need you to sign this petition to reopen the Brothers post office, as this is the Last Ditch, Hail Marry, and maybe not a snowballs chance, but it is the last chance as I don’t have any more time to wait. Thanks for taking the time to read this petition we appreciate you. GOD BLESS YOU!

Hvala za tvojo podporo, Michael Thayer izven Brothers, Or.
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I live 30 miles north of Brothers and in the past have used the post office to mail items that need more than just a stamp. We only get mail 3 times a week where I live and need to have an alternative rather than driving an hour to Bend or Prineville to mail something.

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