Region: Houston
Image of the petition Request for public report of administrative action at Rice University
Minority protection

Request for public report of administrative action at Rice University

Petition is addressed to
The Rice University Administration

32 signatures

Collection finished

32 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched May 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Petition is addressed to: The Rice University Administration

The undersigned faculty, staff and students at Rice University request that:

1. Rice’s Office of Access, Equity and Equal Opportunity make public the results of its investigation of whether the chants “From the river to the sea, Palestinian shall be free”, “Intifada Revolution is the only solution”, and “Globalize the Intifada” made on the Rice campus violate Rice’s Policy 830 on Discrimination and Harassment.
2. Rice’s Office for Student Affairs investigate and publicly report its findings as to whether the Student-for-Justice in Palestine (SJP) student club is in compliance with Rice’s Policy 820, whether SJP has been violating its own constitution, which requires “adherence to Rice University institutional policies”, whether Rice SJP demonstrators have been expressing threats against Israelis, in violation of Policy 830, and Rice SJP has been distributing posters on campus in violation of Policy 856. We further ask that the Office for Student Affairs report on whether SJP’s registration should be revoked and the reasons for that decision.
3. Rice’s Office for Student Affairs investigate and publicly report its findings as to whether the the Rice Student Assocaition (SA) resolution to boycott and divest SA funds from Israel-aligned companies was beyond the authority of SA.
4. Rice’s Office for Student Affairs investigate and publicly report whether Policy 856, establishing campus-wide rules for display of posters, flyers, and similar materials in public places at Rice University has been enforced with regard to posters calling for Rice to boycott and divest funds from Israel-aligned companies. If so, how was it enforced and if not, what the rationale was for not enforcing it.
5. The Director of Human Resources at Rice publcly explain what steps it is taking to ensure that Israeli faculty members, staff members, and students feel safe on the Rice campus.


Rice University needs to enforce its policies or there is no point in having them. Rice faculty, staff, and students need to have confidence that the Rice Administration is enforcing the policies fairly. The only way to ensure such confidence is for investigations of potential breaches of the policies to be reported to the campus community in detail and in full. Israelis on the Rice campus deserve to be free from harassment and discrimination on the basis of their national origin.

Thank you for your support, Peter Reginald Hartley , Houston
Question to the initiator

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Petition details

Petition started: 05/29/2024
Petition ends: 08/29/2024
Region: Houston
Topic: Minority protection

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