Translate this petition

title / claim


In which municipality, district, county, federal state or country lies the responsibility for adressing your request?

Aimed at

Person in charge in municipality, district, county, federal state or country.

What do you want to change?


Why should other people support this petition?
Why is the requirement important to you and to others?

Translator's details

Publish translation

Activates your translated language version. Editing will still be possible.


If you translate the petition, create a separate petition page for that language version of the petition.

If the desired language cannot be found in the selection list, then we do not support that language or there is already a released translation of the petition in that language.

The new language version has an individual URL / web address for signing and spreading the petition.

As translator you may contact the supporters of this language version of the petition via email to inform about updates. This will be possible for the time of the signature period.

As translator you help the author of the original petition to answer questions about the petition in your translated languate and to moderate comments, debate arguments and signatures.

The signatures of all language versions are added up. Double entries of signatures across language versions will be sorted out.

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