Регион: Висбаден
Граждански права

Alexey #Navalny Square in Wiesbaden

Петицията е адресирана до
Oberbürgermeister Gert-Uwe Mende
754 Поддържащ 156 в / след Висбаден
7% от 2 200 за кворум
754 Поддържащ 156 в / след Висбаден
7% от 2 200 за кворум
  1. Започна 2024-2-29
  2. Колекция все още > 2 седмици
  3. Подаване
  4. Диалог с получателя
  5. Решение

Съгласен съм моите данни да бъдат съхранени . Аз решавам кой може да види подкрепата ми. Мога да оттегля това съгласие по всяко време .


We, residents of Wiesbaden and other concerned citizens, call on the city authorities to name one of the squares or streets after Alexey Navalny, the prominent Russian opposition politician and the main opponent of Vladimir Putin.


Alexey Navalny was a fearless champion of freedom, peace, and human rights. After his severe poisoning by Russian security services in 2020, German doctors played an important role in saving his life. Germany offered him and his family asylum and protection. However, true to his principles and convictions and despite the threats he was facing, Navalny decided to return to Russia, in whose democratic future he passionately believed.

Having been imprisoned on politically motivated charges and subjected to torture, Alexey Navalny continued to stand up for the universal values, which also laid the foundations of modern Germany.

For millions of people in Russia and around the world, his name has become the symbol of hope and the triumph of the human spirit over the machine of violence. His murder in detention on February 16, 2024, has not changed it.

We think that the name of Alexey Navalny should be immortalized on the streets of Wiesbaden, a city with deep historical bonds with Russia. This will be a clear statement of solidarity between the city residents and everyone who opposes dictatorship and oppression in Russia and worldwide today.

Deutsche Version | Русская версия

Contact: wi-nawalny@proton.me

Благодарим ви за вашата подкрепа, Bürgerinitiative „Wiesbaden für ein Demokratisches Russland“ извън Wiesbaden
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To remember the true defender of democracy. Unfortunately nothing could get Navalny‘s name in Russia but hopefully in Germany, where people still believe, have passion and not prosecuted for democracy it is possible.

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