Mum, Dad & Kids - European Citizens' Initiative to protect Marriage and Family

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European Commission
0 Mbështetëse 0 në Bashkimi Evropian

Procesi i peticionit ka mbaruar

0 Mbështetëse 0 në Bashkimi Evropian

Procesi i peticionit ka mbaruar

  1. Filluar 2015
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. I përfunduar

Kjo është një nismë e qytetarëve evropianë.

A horizontally applicable regulation that defines the meaning of marriage and family for EU law: marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and family is based on marriage and/or descent. The increasing fragmentation of the concepts of "family" and "marriage" poses a problem for the EU. EU legislation refers to both terms, but the meaning is increasingly unclear, and there are diverging definitions in different EU Directives. This initiative proposes to remedy this situation by adopting a EU-wide definition of both terms that is compatible with the legislation of all Member States. In keeping with Art. 9 of the Fundamental Rights Charter it fully respects the competence of each Member State to legislate on marriage and family.

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