Región: Cléveris
Imagen de la petición Selcan should be allowed to train at Befit

Selcan should be allowed to train at Befit

Petición a.
Manager of Befit
5 Apoyo

Colecta terminada.

5 Apoyo

Colecta terminada.

  1. Iniciado enero 2024
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Preparar presentación.
  4. Diálogo con destinatario
  5. Decisión

A worker at befit has been informed that after her working contract is over, She is not allowed to train at the gym anymore and this is very unfair. There are other former employees that are still training and Selcan should not be an exception.The gym is also a place where family atmosphere is highly encourage hence this decision does not demonstrate such attribute.


As customers of we feel that since former employees has been training in befit, this decision seem unfair and not right on the part of Selcan.

Gracias por su ayuda, Bismark Anane De. Kleve
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